Homemade trail mix has never tasted so good! Did you know that September was Organic Month? To celebrate, I thought I’d share my go-to snack when I get hungry… trail mix and a refreshing tea! I love the flavor of organic food. It is always rich and a delight to the senses. I am thrilled with Kroger’s selection of Simple Truth® and Honest Tea® organic
Happy New Year Free Printable Banner
I really can’t believe that this year is almost over. Just a few more days and we will be in 2017 and another year will be in the books. Today I am sharing a free printable banner for you to use in your home or for a New Year’s Eve party and I’m also sharing what this year has meant for me and this little
Printable Summer Bucket List
Who is ready for summer? Making a summer bucket list is a long time family tradition in our family. A few summers ago, my daughter made her own bucket list and loved it. So our sweet contributor Jennifer is here today with a fabulous Printable Summer Bucket List …
Happy New Year Printable
It is almost time to bid farewell to 2014! What a year it has been for our family. Lots of memories and laughs made this past year. It seems like as my children get older, the years speed up and you just want to freeze time. Sniff.Sigh. We like to capture a few memories each year on New Year’s Eve. One year we even made
Thanksgiving Free Printable
Hi there, fabulous Uncommon Designs readers! It’s Samantha from Five Heart Home, and I’m excited to be visiting you today with a fun Thanksgiving free printable to add to your Turkey Day decor!
4 Chalkboard Thanksgiving Printables
Sweet Kelly from Here Comes the Sun is back again this month with a set of incredible prints for you! These 4 Chalkboard Thanksgiving Prints are the perfect way to decorate quickly and simply in your home! Hello everyone! Have you recovered from Halloween yet? Next up… Thanksgiving! Does anyone else get exhausted just thinking about all these holidays right in a row? I know
Wooden Bottle Caddy and Free Fathers Day Printable Tags
This post is written on behalf of DecoArt, but all opinions are my own. Are you like me… do you forget every year how insanely busy the end of school can be? I don’t know how I do it, but I forget every last time. However, we survived it…. just barely! If you are like me and are worn out from all of the
Teacher Appreciation Printable Gift Wrap and Mini Thank You Card
Happy April friends! It’s Jennifer from Delightfully Noted and it’s hard to believe that it’s already been about a year since I shared the “Tote-lly Terrific Teacher” Gift Tags here on Uncommon Designs. I’m so excited to get to share another fun printable with you today, perfect for your teacher! I love, love, love cute packaging and this Teacher Appreciation Printable Gift Wrap and Mini Thank
Printable Yo-Yo Valentine’s Card
Yo!Yo!Yo! It’s Jennifer from Delightfully Noted and I am back with another fun freebie for you all. It’s February so that means Valentine’s is right around the corner. Oh, you mean the holidays sneak up on you too? No worries! I got you covered with these Printable Yo-Yo Valentine’s Cards. Fun for both boys and girls, right? Plus, it’s peanut, dairy, and gluten free.
Printable Weekly Cleaning Schedule
Ready to get your house in ship-shape this year? Then this printable weekly cleaning schedule is sure to keep you motivated. Happy 2014 everyone! It’s Jennifer from Delightfully Noted and I have a little story I’d like to share with you all…