Happy New Year!! Trish and I want to say a huge “THANK YOU” to our readers for an amazing 2013! Y’all are the best! Throughout the year, we have new readers that discover us, and sometimes it is easy to miss a project. So today we have put together our Top 13 Craft and Diy Projects of 2013 as chosen by YOU …our readers… Let
7 Printables for Last Minute Christmas Gifts
Hey Y’all and Merry Christmas! Thank you for joining us for the last Monday Funday link party of 2013! We all will be taking next week off, so this is the final party of the year! But don’t worry, we will be back at it in 2014! Trish and I are almost ready for the big day and hosting our families. We hope that each
Letter to Santa Free Christmas Printable
‘Tis time to write that Letter to Santa! Today I’m swinging by from Delightfully Noted to share this FREE printable Dear Santa Letter… Santa may be busy this time of year but he always has time to read letters from all the boys and girls around the world. I’m hoping he has time to read letters from mommies too, because I sure could use the
“I Am Thankful For” Free Thanksgiving Printable
Happy Friday from Uncommon Designs! We have a little cold chill in the air here in the South and we could not be happier! The smell of crackling fires in the evening is a sure sign that fall is here! We are thrilled to have our Printable Contributor back again this month with an adorable Thanksgiving Printable, to get you ready for the upcoming Thanksgiving
Flying Witch Halloween Printable
Ok…so I was talking to another blogger the other day, and we had a good giggle about “family sayings”. You know, the ones you grow up hearing and just assume everyone else knows and uses? Yea…between Trish’s family and mine, we have got that all covered. LOL! One of those for my family is … “Don’t Make Me Get Out My Flying Monkeys!!” We may,
Boo Your Neighbor Halloween Printables
Happy fall y’all! It’s Jennifer from Delightfully Noted and today I am sharing some super duper fun Halloween printables that will help you, and your family, spread some Halloween cheer. Have you heard of the “Boo Your Neighbor” game? It’s the annual tradition of door-bell ditching and leaving treats for your neighbors.
Pray Without Ceasing
I had planned another post for today…. The events of yesterday in Oklahoma changed that… and broke my heart. I don’t know why, I have no answers… All I can do is pray… (Click Here to Download Free Printable) a lot… Life is not easy, things happen that can destroy your spirit and make you question it all. When those times come and daily….I pray….
Teacher Appreciation Printable Tags… Tote-lly Terrific Gift Idea!
*Teacher Appreciation Printable Tags appeared first on Uncommon Designs. With May right around the corner some of you may soon be looking for teacher appreciation gift ideas and I’m excited to help y’all out. I’m even more fired up about sharing my first printable as one of the new contributors here on the Uncommon Design’s blog! I love the idea of gifting teachers something they can make good use
Light from Within Free Printable from Love Grows Wild
Hello! My name is Liz from the blog, Love Grows Wild, and I’m so excited to be here at Uncommon Designs! I absolutely adore Bonnie and Trish and the beautiful work they do. Have you seen all the cute Easter projects they did? I’m so smitten with their Burlap Bunny Ear Napkin Rings and Burlap Ribbon Easter Wreath!Bonnie and Trish asked me to guest post for
New Year’s Eve Time Capsule Printable
Wow! Christmas was such a treat and blessing. Time spent with family and friends is priceless! Believe it or not, New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. Gasp! As my children have gotten older, we have been able to enjoy New Year’s Eve a little more each year. We almost all made it to midnight last year. This year, I wanted to try something