Hi there, fabulous Uncommon Designs readers! It’s Samantha from Five Heart Home, and I’m excited to be visiting you today with a fun Thanksgiving free printable to add to your Turkey Day decor!
DIY Laundry Soap and Free Printable Labels
DIY Laundry Soap & Free Printable Labels Hello! Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday here with you today. A big hug to Bonnie and Trish for letting me hang out with you today.
12 Fall Craft Ideas | Monday Funday
Happy Sunday night friends! We are excited to have you stop by Uncommon Designs. Before we get to the main event of Sunday night here, Monday Funday, let me share what we have been up to! I shared these sweet, conversation starter Thanksgiving Napkin Rings… For all you Elf on the Shelf fans, Trish shared a fabulous help with your little elf activities… A free
Thanksgiving Napkin Rings
Do you want to create an instant conversation piece at your Thanksgiving table? Add words to the decor. Yep, there is something about words that sparks conversations at our table. It is almost like having already opened fortune cookies…you just gotta know what the other person’s says, right? It is all about sharing at our table. So, I had the best time making these Thanksgiving
Get Organized for the Holidays!
We are so grateful to have worked with Shutterfly with these tips for holiday organization and #ShutterflyHolidays. All opinions are our own! I love Christmas, but it can get a little crazy with all that it brings. From holiday parties, gifts, family traditions and everything else, I have to find a little sanity where I can. Today, I am sharing my master plan for holiday
Caramel Apple Scones Recipe
Hi Friends! It’s Mallory again, from Chocolate With Grace, and thrilled to be able to share another fall recipe with you. These caramel apple scones are the perfect thing to enjoy on a Saturday morning while you browse Pinterest and your favorite blogs for cute Thanksgiving table decorations and delicious recipes for your holiday menu. Nothing like some delicious fall flavors for breakfast to get
Easy Brown Rice Recipe
Hey y’all! Today I am joining some of my very favorite ladies and sharing tons of Thanksgiving recipes for your enjoyment. You are going to love them all… I promise! At the bottom of the post you will find links to all of the recipes from a main course to dessert, but I am sharing our family’s favorite easy brown rice recipe!
Elf on the Shelf Printable Calendar
Does your family celebrate the holidays with a special little someone? We sure do and we adore our little Sleigh bell. Today I am sharing my master plan with this very special Elf on the Shelf Printable Calendar.
10 Fall Gifts and Recipes
Hey Friends! Welcome to Uncommon Designs and our Sunday night 8 blog link party…Monday Funday. We are so happy YOU decided to join the fun. Trish has been on that big, red maical Disney boat this past week, so I have been holding down the fort over here. I have missed my sis-in-law, but I know she and her family had an awesome time! This
Thankful Bucket Garland….A Thanksgiving Family Tradition
Fall is a time for slowing down, enjoying incredible weather and time with friends! This year we started a couple of new family traditions. Today we are going to show you how to create this adorable fall… Thankful Bucket Garland What a perfect way to celebrate the season of fall! Each little bucket can be filled with little notes on what you and your family