Have you ever thought about what inspires your choices in design? Is it certain colors, a favorite place, types of fabrics or nature? Havertys would like to know, and right now they are holding a Get Inspired Contest. It is a chance for you to share what inspires your design style, and pick out Havertys pieces that reflect that design style. The best part, you could win a $1000 Havertys
DecoArt Multi-Surface Satin Paint Giveaway
Do you love crafts? Do you love DIY projects? Do you love paint? We do too! DecoArt has a full line of Multi-Surface Satin paints that are beautiful, and work on a variety of painting surfaces including wood, styrofoam, and fabric just to name a few. They also can be used indoors and outdoors. Think of the possibilities… This adorable Homework Caddy we did, used
Kilz “Get Primed For Fall” $300 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway
Hey Y’all! Who is ready for fall? Yes, I said fall! It is right around the corner. Today Tirish and I have a real treat for you to help you “Get Primed For Fall”… The wonderful people at KILZ know what a hectic time of year this can be and they want to give you a jump-start in the right direction by helping you “Get
4th of July Giveaway with DecoArt
We have a treat for you today… A 4th of July giveaway from DecoArt ! Think about all the fun craft and home decor projects you could make with all these supplies from DecoArt! Enter below using the Rafflecopter and good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mother’s Day Blog Hop $200 Visa Gift Card Giveaway
We have so enjoyed the Mother’s Day Blog Hop that we have participated in this week! We had so much fun seeing all these Mother’s Day Ideas from some incredibly fabulous blogs… Seriously the projects by these ladies were AMAZING!!! Here is a quick recap of the wonderful ideas… Mini Succulent Garden and Chalkboard Lazy Susan ~ Vinyl Decorated Chargers ~ DIY Cashmere Cup Cozy Burlap Wrapped Mother’s Day
Blendtec Blender Giveaway
We are so excited to have teamed up with some incredible bloggers to offer this fabulous giveaway for a… Blendtec Total Blender Kitchen Blender! What a great addition to your kitchen tools this would be. Imagine how easy making your favorite smoothie would be! This Blendtec Blender includes both the WildSide container and classic FourSide container. “Blendtec machines are known for producing the best, most-consistent
Catching Fireflies Giveaway
Hey y’all! We have a really fun company to introduce you to today… Catching Fireflies is a fabulous online store that is full of items that are sure to delight. The wonderful folks at Catching Fireflies are giving away a $43 gift certificate to their store to one of our very lucky readers! Here are a few of my favorite things that you can
SNAP! Blog Conference 2013 Ticket Giveaway
We have a fabulous giveaway for you today… A Giveaway for one Ticket to the SNAP! Blog Conference !!!!! Have you heard of the SNAP! blog conference? Did you miss out on tickets? Well you are in luck! Cause we are here to offer you a chance to win a ticket to the completely sold out conference! The SNAP! Conference is in Salt Lake City,
Fingerprint Heart Duo Necklace Giveaway …
We have an absolutely fantastic giveaway for you today! We have teamed up with some of our fellow bloggers just in time for your Valentine’s wish list to offer one lucky person this stunning Fingerprint Heart Duo Necklace by Tina Steinburg… The Heart Duo Necklace is by far one of the most precious gifts I’ve ever received! My husband knew I had been drooling over Tina
Freshen Up a Room for the New Year with Kirkland’s and a Giveaway …
So, I can officially say I can cross one thing off my New Year’s Resolutions….freshening up my family room! I did a little window shopping last week at Kirkland’s and then used some incredible pieces to freshen up my family room as part of …. I had so much fun picking out some key items and changing up my room…for the first time in almost